Illustration Guidelines
We're always happy to look at illustrations, although it is generally not possible for us to set up meetings with illustrators.
We are a small publisher with an established network of artists that we regularly use, but we are always on the lookout for new artists. Suitable styles will be kept on file and considered when new projects come up.
For environmental reasons, we ask for submissions to be made by email with attachments in jpg or pdf format or with a link to a website or a blog. Before submitting your work, we suggest that you look through the books on our website to see if your style fits into our programme.
In exceptional circumstances (if you do not have access to a computer), we will accept postal submissions. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope if you wish to have your samples returned.
Contact Details
Email: office@childs-play.com
Postal Address:
Child's Play (International) Ltd
Ashworth Road
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