Scholastic include TWO Child's Play titles in their '100 Greatest Books for Kids'

We are very pleased to announce that Scholastic Parent & Child Magazine has named not only one, but TWO, Child's Play titles in their coutdown of the top '100 Greatest Books for Kids'. We are extremely proud to have the high quality of our books recognised and honoured in this way.

The two titles selected are 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', which ranked in at number 60 in the countdown, and 'The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear', which came in at 37th. We were delighted that 'THE LITTLE MOUSE,...' comes only one place behind the timeless classic 'The Secret Garden' by Francis Hodgson Burnett, and sits above Roald Dahl's famous 'Matilda' at number 41!

We must admit this leaves us feeling very happy that although we may be small we can still have a BIG presence in the world of children's books!

Well done Child's Play!

Wed, February 15th, 2012

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