US Staff
Joe Gardner
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Joe was hired by Michael Twinn in 1989 as a General Assistant, taking care of the fledgling Child's Play USA business. He took charge of Child's Play, USA's Party Plan business as well as helping to produce all music and video product. Alas, the party plan business has gone, but in 1995, Joe was promoted to Vice President of Sales and Marketing and continues to help Child's Play, USA expand and grow.
Laurie Reynolds-Bosquet
General Manager
Laurie was hired in 1994 by Mary Hutchinson as Child's Play USA's Customer Service Manager. In 2004, Laurie took over the General Manager position from Mary, and has been "running the show" ever since, doing everything from order entry, invoicing, customer service, managerial tasks and inventory control. Laurie is also known in certain circles as the other half of Joe's brain....
Steve Nadeau
Warehouse Manager
Steve is another "original" Child's Play USA member, having been hired in the Summer of 1993. Steve was hired as a puller/packer in the warehouse, and in 1998 was made the Warehouse Manager. Steve supervises warehouse employees, takes care of incoming and outgoing trucks and monitors inventory.
Tracy Grondin
Accounts Receivable Manager
Tracy was hired by Mary in 1997 to be an all around assistant. She helped with everything from filing, to returns, to assembly, to order entry. Tracy is now our Accounts Receivable Manager, dealing with day to day collections. She also helps with order entry and customer service, and anything else we can throw her way. Tracy is also our go to computer person and photo taker/sender (as well as being the other half of Laurie's brain!).
UK Staff
Neil Burden
Neil has been publisher and CEO of Child's Play for the past ten years. He is responsible for the day-to-day running of the entire company, and for the publishing programme itself. Having trained and worked initially as a teacher, his career in children's publishing spans 25 years.
Sue Baker
Sue started working for Child's Play in 1988. Originally as an illustrator and now editor.
She shares the responsibility of managing new projects, spends time on background research and reads new submissions.
Paul Gerrish
Sales Manager
(Trade and Export)
Paul handles trade accounts and all export sales. He also deals with shipping requirements.
Nicola Gardner
Accounts and Order Processing Manager
Nicola has worked for Child's Play for 27 years and is responsible
for the inputting of data for all aspects of the accounting and ordering system.
Annie Kubler
Art Director
Annie started working for Child's Play in the 1980's as a freelance illustrator and gradually took on the role of art director. She still illustrates a number of books
a year but is mainly responsible for all visual aspects of the Child's Play publications. This involves assigning illustrators, liaising with them, deciding on the visual look of the books and working closely with Sue on all projects from concept to publication.
Amy Griffiths
Education Liaison
and Marketing Co-ordinator
Amy's role comprises many different functions, ranging from direct liaison with teachers and parents at exhibitions to editorial support and research, managing the website and negotiating and controlling our advertising and marketing campaigns. She also works closely with organisations who share and support the Child's Play ethos of inclusive practice and who believe in the significance of books to young children's learning and development, such as Booktrust, ITV's Signed Stories, and The National Centre for Language & Literacy.
Claire Matthews
Production Controller
Claire assists with the day-to-day running of a busy production schedule, ensuring that books are manufactured on time and to the highest standards possible.
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