
Child's Play Baby Signing books have been enthusiastically received by many baby signing groups, as well as the National Deaf Children's Society.

We are thrilled to welcome these delightful books in which signing is shown so naturally, we hope that babies and their families will enjoy them as much as we did.
National Deaf Children's Society

Simply the best books I have seen on the market for signing babies. Bright, adorable characters demonstrating clear signs. I would happily recommend these books to anyone signing with their baby.
Emma Finlay-Smith, Director, Babysigners

My First Signs is charming, clear, affordable and excellently well thought out; if you only buy one book about signing with a baby then let it be this book. You will not be disappointed. The illustrations in the Sign and Sing-Along books are bright and engaging. The children loved them so much I had to wrestle them from them!
Catriona Moore, Tots Talking Hands

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