Here's a selection of recent reviews our books have received.
Press reviews
The Flower
There is a touchingly indelible beauty about this most remarkable book. With a seemingly simple text, John Light tells the story of a young boy who works in a bleak city's gloomy... Trevor Dickinson
Wiggle & Move
Any book that encourages one-to-one movement and rhyme with small children must be encouraged, but the bright illustrations in this board book will also provide visual stimulus for... Sandy Coleman
Pass the Bag
This was the most popular game with my group of children. It is a mix of lotto and lucky dip and requires each child, in turn, to take a plastic shape from a bag and match it to the...
Twenty-Four Robbers
The night before, and the next day, and the morn before and the next hour the clever maid continually pleases the twenty-four robbers and shows the advantages of sharing in a beautifully...
Customer reviews of our top sellers
Im Oscar and I have the best Grandma in the whole wide world. So begins this sweet, fragile story about the finite, particular experience of moving an older person into assisted living, and its impact on a young child. Oscars direct... Butlers Pantry
Tilly's at home Holiday
"Tariq is going to India. Chanel is going to Spain. And Paris, of course, is going to Paris. Poor Tilly. Shes not going anywhere. Not even to Grandmas. Mum thinks they can... The Bookbag
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