Reading with your Baby

Nurture a love of reading in your child
by reading with them from a young age.

Reading and singing with your baby helps them to learn the natural patterns of language and speech; it builds their attention, listening and memory skills; and above all, helps develop the bond between you.

Talking with your baby helps them to develop better language and communication skills. For parents who are unsure of what to say, reading a book can act as a prompt. Babies are pre-programmed to socialise and communicate, so take advantage of this at every opportunity.

Bookstart is a national programme that encourages all parents and carers to enjoy books with their children from as early an age as possible. A free bag of books is gifted to babies at around seven to nine months via the health visitor or local library. Child's Play is proud to support Bookstart, and you may receive a Child's Play book in your Bookstart pack. Share Books and Talk Together is a guide produced by Talk to Your Baby and Bookstart on sharing books with your baby.

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